Apr 26, 2022
My guest this week is Mises Institute Fellow, William Anderson. He is here to breakdown why we are experiencing high prices on fuel, groceries, houses, etc. There are so many talking heads and media outlets pumping inaccurate information out to the public. Bill is here to lay it out as it actually is so that you're...
Apr 19, 2022
My guest today is running as a Republican to be one of the the next US Senators from New Hampshire. He is a Ron Paul Republican and has a platform that many of you will find appealing. He is also well-versed in the world of Bitcoin and cryptocurrency. In fact, he has funded much of his campaign in that manner. We...
Apr 12, 2022
My guest this week is my friend and one of the hosts of the Kingpilled podcast, Matt Erickson. Matt and I discuss his recent migration from California to Texas and also the continuing evolution of his worldview, which has gone through the libertarian and anarchist phase and is now something other than that. Matt was one...
Apr 8, 2022
My guests for this bonus episode are two bright young students at the University of Chicago, Eden Negussie and Mitchell Robson. They work over at the wonderful news organization called the Chicago Thinker. You and I both understand that many of the universities are filled with unserious students who are lost and just...
Apr 5, 2022
My guest this week is Jay Dyer. Jay produces a ton of content, including two books, which you can find over at JaysAnalysis.com. Today, he and I discuss the groups behind much of the evil that is directed at us on a daily basis. Through controlling various arms of pop culture, including media, Hollywood, governments,...