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Jun 29, 2020

My guest this week is the 2020 vice presidential candidate for the Libertarian Party, Spike Cohen. Spike is an excellent messenger for liberty and he doesn't disappoint in this interview. We discuss the wars, the war on drugs, Black Lives Matter, open borders, the Federal Reserve, the culture war, pitching liberty to...

Jun 24, 2020

My guest on this bonus episode is founder of the Detroit Threat Management Center, Commander Dale Brown. Dale and I discuss the mission of his company and all of the services that they offer, including entire neighborhood protection. With defunding the government police being a hot news item, I wanted to look at...

Jun 22, 2020

My guest this week is Daniel McCarthy, acclaimed editor of the esteemed journal, Modern Age. Daniel and I discuss the awful people known as neoconservatives and their journey back to the Democratic Party, where they are now in full support of a presidential candidate who supported the Iraq war, Joe Biden. We do a nice...

Jun 15, 2020

My guest this week is the 2020 presidential candidate for the Libertarian Party, Jo Jorgensen. Dr. Jorgensen was kind enough to give us some of her time, and I enjoyed getting to know her political positions better. We discuss police violence, war, the income tax, what libertarianism means to her, and several other good...

Jun 10, 2020

This week, we recorded LIVE from the Liberty Tree Tavern in Elgin, TX! I am joined by two co-hosts this week, Bobby Pearson of the Not For Everyone Podcast and Moral Bob of the Conversations About Freedom Podcast. We are at the Liberty Tree Tavern because I wanted to have the owner of the bar, Kevin Smith, on the...