Jul 13, 2022
In one of my favorite conversations ever, I had Father Turbo Qualls on the show. Fr. Turbo is the rector at St. Mary of Egypt, Serbian Orthodox Church in Kansas City, Missouri, where he lives with his wife Juliana and their 8 children. As a (now retired) tattoo artist and former member of a punk rock band, Fr. Turbo grew up in Orange County, California, in the counterculture scene. That gave him a perspective that he carried through his libertarian political views and even into his Orthodox Christian view of the world.
We discuss many topics here, and Fr. Turbo really gets into the humility it takes to not only understand what is happening to us and around us, but the humility it takes to find the real Truth, and what that means. This society is wrapped up in a shallow, materialistic nihilism that makes it easy to fall into the snares of evil. To counter that -- and it is mainstream -- it takes humility and a genuine search for Truth and love.
For more of Fr. Turbo's content, go here: https://www.patristicfaith.com/our-team/fr-turbo-qualls/
For his Church site, go here: https://stmaryofegypt.net/
Texas Scorecard: https://texasscorecard.com , https://www.facebook.com/texasscorecard , https://twitter.com/TexasScorecard
The GOP Mises Caucus: MisesGOP.org/Buck
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Audio Production by Podsworth Media: https://www.podsworth.com
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