Feb 8, 2022
Today, I've got L.B. Muñiz on the show. He writes and podcasts over at BeenAwake.com. We are discussing some themes that he has written about. You have probably noticed that some mainstream voices have slowly started saying some truths that just six months ago were getting people banned from various social media sites. Oh, now we can say that the vaccine doesn't stop the spread? Why now? Are they just parroting the newest science, or is this how propagandists work? We also discuss post-libertarianism. Why has that become a pejorative for some? What the hell does post-libertarianism even mean? Tune in, find out, and enjoy my chat with L.B. Muñiz!
Find LB's work here: https://beenawake.substack.com
PrivacyPost.io: https://privacypost.io
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Visit my website: https://www.counterflowpodcast.com
Donate to the show here: https://www.patreon.com/deathtotyrants
Audio Production by Podsworth Media: https://www.podsworth.com
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