Oct 26, 2021
My guest on this episode is James Corbett of CorbettReport.com. James has been putting out excellent content in the forms of documentaries, podcasts, writing, and more for much longer than most people in alternative media. James has a terrific analysis of how conspiracies happen at the highest levels. As he points out, the highest levels of power are far above elected officials and names we all know. In this episode, we also discuss the media, propaganda narratives, and how the coof narrative has played out on the public. We also get into the class that James Corbett will be teaching at Renegade University.
To sign up for his course, go here: https://renegadeuniversity.com/product/mass-media-a-history/?wreferrer=a835d8ef35
To find all of the great work that James Corbett puts out, go here: https://www.corbettreport.com
Texas Scorecard: https://texasscorecard.com , https://www.facebook.com/texasscorecard , https://twitter.com/TexasScorecard
Nomad Network: https://www.nomadnetwork.app/buck
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Visit my website: https://www.counterflowpodcast.com
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Audio Production by Podsworth Media: https://www.podsworth.com
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