Jul 13, 2021
My guest this week produces wonderfully made YouTube videos on the philosophy of neoreactionism: the original brainchild of thinkers like Mencius Moldbug and Nick Land. Neoreactionary thought is often misunderstood and yet vitally important to understanding political power and philosophy. It has been incorrectly called the alt-right and even worse. Charlemagne and I discuss the roots of neoreactionary thought and what it means in terms of power and political reality. It sprang from brilliant thinkers like James Burnham and Hans Hermann Hoppe and has lead to new takes on Rothbard and Mises. This discussion will inform you and educate you on what it is, where is came from, and how to view politics through the neoreactionary lens.
More from Charlemagne: https://youtube.com/c/Charlemagne_III
Charlemagne's Substack: https://charlemagne.substack.com
Purchase tickets for the Renegade University Texas event here: https://renegadeuniversity.com/product/renegade-weekend-texas/?wreferrer=a835d8ef35
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Visit my website: https://www.counterflowpodcast.com
Donate to the show here: https://www.patreon.com/deathtotyrants
Audio Production by Podsworth Media: https://www.podsworth.com
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