Jul 6, 2021
My guest this week comes from the Left but authored a great book titled, "War for Eternity: The Return of Traditionalism and the Rise of the Populist Right". Much of this book focuses on Steven K. Bannon and a cast of Traditionalists from around the world. Ben and I take a deep dive into Bannon, as Ben had many meetings, lunches, and dinners with him and his inner circle. We get into what exactly Traditionalism is, what right wing populism is, and how they relate. Bannon is often smeared as dumb, racist, crazy, and more. Ben found him to be very smart, well-read, eccentric, esoteric, and influential. Much of the legacy media ignores the right wing populist movement and writes Bannon off as a powerless nut. Ben discusses how wrong they are to do that. The future of American politics as well as global politics may be heavily influenced by Bannon and the cast of characters discussed in his book.
Learn more about Ben Teitelbaum: https://www.benjaminteitelbaum.com
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Audio Production by Podsworth Media: https://www.podsworth.com
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