Jun 14, 2021
My guests this week are three guys that must remain anonymous to retain their ability to work in Hollywood. They work in the TV and film industry, and they are creating a 5-part documentary series called, "Follow the Science: On Lockdowns and Liberty". They are the creators of the SoundMind Creative Group which allows fellow creators a space dedicated to freedom of expression and the uninhibited exchange of ideas. In this episode, we get into the project and what all it will cover, from lockdowns and masks to vaccines and more. They are currently raising funds for the project, and we discuss what they need and what we can do to help them. This is a great project, and it's truly vital that it gets out to as many people as possible. Share this episode as far and wide as possible.
To learn more about the group, go here: https://soundmindcreativegroup.com
To donate to them, please go here: https://fundrazr.com/followthescience
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Visit my website: https://www.counterflowpodcast.com
Donate to the show here: https://www.patreon.com/deathtotyrants
Audio Production by Podsworth Media: https://www.podsworth.com
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