Jan 19, 2021
This week, I am happy to have Mises Institute President, Jeff Deist back on the show. Jeff and I discuss a number of topics including: the state of libertarianism, the Old Right, paleo-libertarianism, secession, post persuasion America, and more. Jeff Deist pulls no punches and is always a wonderful guest. I know he will make you think.
Here are links to the essays and books that we discussed:
Hans Hermann-Hoppe's essay on free trade vs protectionism: https://cdn.mises.org/13_2_8_0.pdf
Ludwig Von Mises "Nation, State and Economy": https://mises.org/library/nation-state-and-economy
Garet Garrett, "The People's Pottage": https://store.mises.org/Peoples-Pottage-The-P426C0.aspx
FH Buckley's book "American Secession": https://www.amazon.com/American-Secession-Looming-National-Breakup/dp/1641770805
FH Buckley on Death To Tyrants: https://traffic.libsyn.com/secure/deathtotyrants/DTT_-_Ep._87_-_F.H._Buckley.mp3
Find about more about Jeff Deist and read his writings here: https://mises.org/profile/jeff-deist
Follow Jeff on Twitter: www.twitter.com/jeffdeist
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Visit my website: https://www.deathtotyrantspodcast.com
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Audio Production by Podsworth Media: https://www.podsworth.com
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