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Oct 28, 2019

My guest this week is Jack Hunter, writer at Rare, The Washington Examiner and more. We discuss his article, "Democrats Hate Tulsi Gabbard Because She Reminds Them What They Used To Stand For". Jack and I discuss the attacks that Tulsi is receiving from the likes of Hillary Clinton, CNN, NY Times and other...

Oct 21, 2019

My guest today is, Cjay Engel, the proprietor of Bastion Magazine, formerly know as Austro-Libertarian magazine. We discuss the magazine name change and that gets us into a deeper discussion on libertarianism. Cjay and I talk about the identity crisis that libertarianism is facing and the problems that will arise...

Oct 14, 2019

My guest this week is the great Scott Horton. Many of you know Scott for his brilliant depth of knowledge regarding foreign policy. However, he's also very knowledgeable on the Waco Massacre of 1993 against the Branch Davidians. Scott breaks down what happened between the ATF, FBI, Military and the Branch Davidians and...

Oct 7, 2019

My guest today is Joaquin Flores of the Center For Syncretic Studies. We discuss the entire Trump/Biden/Ukraine/Impeachment drama. Where did this all start? How does it tie into Trump's foreign policy? Did Trump and Biden's son break a law? What does Obama have to do with it? Will Trump win in 2020 because of this? We...